The Hitchcock Movie of Rebecca
The film Rebecca (1940), directed by Alfred Hitchcock, is an adaptation
of a book by the same title published in 1938 by author Daphne Demurer. To
analyse the differences between these two pieces of work it is perhaps necessary
to first point out the obvious; film adaptations of novels are never completely
true to the original book. It is often a criticism that when novels are turned
into screenplays that the author of the screening play has left chunks of
the book out. This usually because their just is not time to cover every single
detail on screen - could you have sat through more than three hours of Peter
Jackson's epic Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, based on J.R.R.
Tolkien's novel, for instance? (I don't think any cinemagoer's bladder could
have coped with more!) Or there are elements of the original story that would
distract the viewer from the crux of the plot for too long, hence Fran Walsh
cut out the character Tom Bombadil out of The Fellowship's script, much to
the dismay of some Tolkien purists. However, sometimes a scriptwriter will
assert his/her autonomy to the point where the novel that has been turned
into a film does not even have the same ending as its original source. In
Louis De Bernieres much loved book Captain Corelli's Mandolin the main characters,
and two lovers Captain Corelli and Pelagia, part for several years and Pelagia
believes Corelli is dead until he's in his senior years and directly approaches
Pelagia again and their love rekindles. However, in the movie (2001) one of
the many contrasts to the original text is that Pelagia and Corelli live happily
ever after together in their younger years. With regards Hitchcock's Rebecca
and DuMaurier's Rebecca the storyline remains largely unchanged, yet the implications
of its sexual contexts have been treated differently.
Throughout history women have been subjected to the patriarchal order; the
model female being chaste and submissive and essentially what Simone De Bouviour
calls man's "other": "[Woman] is defined and differentiated with reference
to man and not he with reference to her; she is incidental, the inessential
as opposed to the essential. He is the Subject, he is the Absolute -she is
the Other" Whereas a sexually confident woman and assertive woman is depicted
as "impure", "bad" and on occasions "mad". Before World War II, women were
particularly vulnerable to the former categorisation. But during the war,
women participated in the work force as never before and thus asserting greater
independence and autonomy. DuMaurier's novel Rebecca, examines female sexuality,
and its repercussions, in a society, which condemns its existence. Although
both the novel and film reveals society's wish to keep the sexuality of women
under control some of DuMaurier's message lost in the translation of novel
to film. However, the film was produced and directed by men so it was inevitable
that their sex would affect the way they choose to interpret DuMaurier's work
on screen. As Helene Cixous says in her essay, 'The Laugh of the Medusa',
it is impossible to produce a work of art that does not implicate your sex:
"I write woman: woman must write woman. And man, man."
In both the novel and film, Rebecca is dead (she supposedly drowned the previous
year) and is depicted as a threat due to her overt sexuality. Mrs. Danvers,
Rebecca's devoted housekeeper, says, "... I've seen them here, staying in
the house, men she'd meet in London ... They made love to her of course ..."
(p.245). Regardless of Rebecca's infidelities, her reputation remains intact;
she is regarded as pleasant, beautiful and confident. Yet the double life
she leads of wife and mistress is comparable to the duality of existence in
which only men are allowed to indulge and thus threatens the structure of
patriarchy. As Rebecca's housekeeper Mrs Danvers aptly states "[Rebecca] ought
to have been a boy" (p.243).
Rebecca's sexuality even threatens to destroy patriarchal dynasty. As Simone
de Beauvoir writes in her essay The Second Sex:
"Marital infidelity ... where patriarchal traditions survive, still seems
much more heinous for the wife than for the husband ... Woman's adultery risks
bringing the son of a stranger into the family, and thus defrauding legitimate
Indeed the prospect of an illegitimate heir is the crux of Rebecca's death
in both novel and film. In the novel Max, Rebecca's husband kills her when
she boasts that she is pregnant by another man, however the coroner rules
death by suicide. In the film, Rebecca's death is attributed to an accidental
fall after Max has physically struck her after she reveals her unfaithfulness
to him. The reason for this important difference is that the censors demanded
that Max could not kill his wife without paying the penalty for his crime.
Suicide was also frowned upon. However, Rebecca's death suggests that both
novel and film are in agreement that patriarchal society views Rebecca actions
as immoral and that her death is the only way to keep the structure of patriarchy
in tact.
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